Our products
Greenland halibut
Marine residual raw materials
Sales and market
Lerøy Havfisk AS has a total of 29.6 cod trawling licenses at its disposal, of which 28.7 are subject to a supply obligation. This means that the vessels fishing under cod trawling licences subject to a supply obligation are obliged to offer 80% of all cod and 60% of all haddock caught to selected fish industry enterprises, certain municipalities or a larger defined geographical area for both species fished north of 62°N.
The price of fish delivered under a supply obligation shall be an average of sales of corresponding fish in the Norwegian Fishermen's Sales Organisation district in question over the two weeks preceding the landing of the fish.
The Norwegian Fishermen's Sales Organisation (NR), Sunnmøre and Romsdal Fishermen's Sales Organisation (SUROFI) and the four other fishermen's sales organisations in Norway have exclusive rights to all first-hand sales of white fish landed along the coast.
The sales organisations are geographically organised, and the Norwegian Fishermen's Sales Organisation has exclusive rights over all first-hand sales of white fish landed from Finnmark in the north to Nordmøre in the south. SUROFI deals with fish landed from Nordmøre and throughout Sunnmøre. The rest of Norway is covered by other fishermen's sales organisations. The most important species that our trawlers land are cod, haddock, saithe and prawns. They fish along the coast of Norway, in the Barents Sea and off Svalbard.
Lerøy Havfisk AS adapts its operations to the applicable framework conditions and market conditions at all times.